
Benefits of Archery

What is Archery?

Archery is most often practised in the pursuit of game. However, it has also been used for hunting, combat, and ceremonial purposes. The sport of archery involves the use of a bow to propel arrows. The bow and arrow are among the oldest weapons known to man, with evidence dating back some 60 to 70 thousand years. The discovery of stone age paintings depicting men with bows and arrows suggests that archery may date back to prehistoric times. Some anthropologists believe that archery was one of the very first forms of weaponry developed by primitive man. The sport has become quite popular over the last few years. Women compete alongside men in competition today more than they ever before.

Benefits of Archery

Archery is a sport that can be enjoyed by anyone, and it has a variety of health benefits. It is also a great way to relieve stress and get into shape, which explains why more and more people are taking it up these days. A few of the benefits of archery include:

  • It helps you to relieve stress

Being outdoors in nature helps to lower one’s stress levels. The act of shooting an arrow into the target or at a paper target is also very therapeutic.

  • It burns calories and tones muscles

Studies show that spending time outside, coupled with taking part in a physical activity like archery, can help to reduce obesity rates in teenagers and children. This can be especially useful if you are looking to lose weight in a specific area or if you just want to shed a few pounds overall. One of the greatest benefits of archery is that it can tone and shape your body. While shooting a bow does not provide aerobic exercise like running or bicycling, it is still a good way to improve muscle tone and definition. Exercises like stretching and drawing back your bow arm will also improve your core strength.

  • Cardiovascular exercise

The heart rate increases by 15 to 20 beats per minute during the practice of archery. This helps in improving your cardiovascular system. The repeated rise and fall of the arm while shooting raises the level of adrenaline in the body, which results in better blood flow throughout the body.

  • Act as an interactive hobby

Archery is a fun hobby for all ages. People from all walks of life enjoy this sport, from young children to the elderly. It is a great way to socialize with friends and family members while enjoying exercise at the same time.

  • Build Strength

Archery helps with improving your balance, coordination, and dexterity, which in turn, helps you with hitting your target.

Exercise that’ll help you improve archery skills

Now that you know the health benefits of this amazingly addictive sport, it’s time to improve your archery skills for optimal performance at the shooting range. Physical exercise can help you build stamina and can give you better control over your bow and arrow. It can also help you to master archery skills and take your game to a whole new level. Here are some basic exercises that you should definitely try in your next training session at the gym.

Single Arm Dumbbell Roll

The single arm dumbbell roll is a fantastic exercise to build shoulder strength and stability, as well as work on core stabilization. This exercise can help you in longer shoots and increase the draw weight.

  1. Stand straight with your feet shoulder-width apart and hold a single dumbbell on one hand, with arm extended overhead.
  2. Tighten your abdominal muscles and keep your back straight.
  3. Slowly lower the weight towards the floor until it is an inch or two away from the floor. The other arm should be extended to the side of your body, parallel to the floor, for balance.
  4. Lift the weight back up to above head level and then lower it back down again in a controlled manner, extending the other arm out to the side for balance again.

Repeat for 10 repetitions and then repeat on the opposite side of the body after a one-minute rest period. (Images added would make it much better).

Dumbbell side raise

The dumbbell side raise is one of the most effective exercises for developing the obliques (your sides) and increasing core stability. Here are some steps to perform this exercise.

  1. Start by standing shoulder-width apart with your feet facing forward and your arms at your sides. Now, bend at the waist so that your upper body is parallel to the floor. Your back should be straight, and you should not be leaning backward or forward.
  2. Position dumbbells in each hand, with your palms facing up.
  3. Lift them up until your elbows are pointing straight ahead.
  4. Keep a slight bend in your elbows during this movement.
  5. Raise the dumbbells out to each side until they reach shoulder height, while keeping your upper arms in place by your sides. Do not swing the dumbbells to lift them up, but rather use slow, controlled movements instead.

Return to the starting position and repeat for 8 to 12 repetitions. (Images added would make it much better).

Romanian Deadlift

The Romanian deadlift is an essential exercise for archers. It improves flexibility and mobility of the spine, legs and hips, as well as improving core strength and balance. This means it can help you to improve your overall performance when shooting, it will help you to find your rhythm, release at the right time, make the right corrections to your grip and posture and have a more fluid draw. Here are some steps to perform the Romanian deadlift.

  1. Begin with the weight held in front of you by holding it at arm’s length.
  2. Bend your knees and hips to lower your body until you feel a stretch in your hamstrings (keep your back straight and chest up).
  3. Once you reach a stretch, hold that position for two seconds before returning to the starting position.
  4. Focus on contracting the hamstrings during this exercise as they are being targeted. Repeat for 10 to 12 repetitions.


Strive for three sets each time you perform this exercise. (Images added would make it much better).

Different Types of Archery Bows and Arrows

A bow is a flexible arc which shoots aerodynamic projectiles called arrows. A string joins the two ends of the bow and when the string is drawn back, the ends of the bow are flexed. The energy of the flexed stick is stored in the limbs of the bow, and it is said to be ‘in tension’. When the string is released, the potential energy of the flexed stick is transformed into the velocity of the arrow. There are three types of bows you can choose from. (Please use less complicated, difficult words or explain the difficult words).

·       Takedown Bow

If you’re a novice archer, a takedown bow might be a great choice for you. A takedown bow is easy to transport, inexpensive, and typically has an adjustable draw length. Once the bow is set up, it’s ready to fire right away. This makes it ideal for beginners who don’t want to mess with complicated equipment that they may or may not be able to handle properly.

·       Recurve Bow

A recurve bow is another bow that’s often favored by beginners because of its long history and simplicity. This bow has curved limbs that allows it to flex outward when drawing the string back, but then spring inward when shooting an arrow. This design allows more energy to be transferred from the limbs to the arrow so that it travels faster and farther than with other types of bows. However, these bows are also longer than takedown bows, which means they are heavier and harder to carry around.

·       Longbows

Longbows are made up of one solid piece, making them easy to use and simple to maintain. They consist of a wooden core, usually made from laminated wood, with fiberglass laminates that provide strength and durability. The wood core is reinforced with glass fiber for added stiffness and stability. Longbows are smaller than compound bows, making them easier for younger archers to handle. They also have shorter draw lengths than compound bows. This makes it easier for younger archers who may not have fully developed arm muscles to allow them to draw the bowstring back without straining their muscles.

  • Compound Bow

The compound bow is designed with cables, pulleys and levers that allows it to store more energy than other types of bows. The limbs are supported by these pulleys; however, they are not connected directly to the string like those of a recurve bow. The compound bow is usually more expensive than other types and are better for people with less upper body strength to pull back the string for shooting an arrow. This means that compound bows are better for younger people or those who have trouble drawing back traditional longbows.

  • Tillering Bows

Some takedown bows also have tillering systems. Tillering is the process of adjusting the limbs to get the best performance out of the bow. Without a tillering system, you’d have to tinker with each limb individually in order to find the sweet spot for optimal performance.

Different Types of Arrows used for Archery

Now that you know about different bows, it’s time to get an idea about the various arrows available in the market and their uses.

  • Wooden Arrows

These were the original arrows used long ago by ancient archers. They were made from wood and are still used today. The best part about using wooden arrows is that they are quite inexpensive. However, this also means that a single shot can damage your arrow so badly that it might be useless thereafter. So, you may have to spend a bit more on wooden arrows compared to other types of arrows. Wooden Arrows are best used for shooting at targets and other stationary objects as they lack speed when compared to other types. However, if your target is near a lot of trees or other plants, wooden arrows may cause damage to them.

  • Broadhead Arrows

These arrows a triangular shaped head made of metal which is sharp and smooth edged at the tip. It can pierce through a small animal or bigger animal with ease. It is mostly used for hunting animals like squirrels, rabbits, and pigs.

  • Carbon Arrows

These are made from carbon fiber and are very strong compared to other types of arrows. The shafts are straightforward, and these arrows can withstand extreme weather conditions without breaking or bending. They are relatively light in weight and do not cause any damage to the target as they don’t have an arrowhead attached to them. They are used for target practice because they provide maximum accuracy and precision in their shooting capability.

  • Tipped Arrows

These arrows come with a head at the tip. They may be made of metal, stone, or wood. These arrows are designed to deliver maximum impact to the target and are capable of penetrating heavy armor and shields.

  • Fletched Arrows

These arrows use feathers to stabilize flight. In the Middle Ages, fletched arrows were used by archers as they could fly longer distances than tipped arrows.

  • Broadhead and Bodkin Arrows

Broadhead and bodkin arrows have sharp points that make them lethal weapons in wartime. They were widely used in medieval times as they could pierce through chainmail and flesh. (Images to be added).


Archery is an ancient art with modern applications. If you are looking for an activity that helps to build great aim and is fun, then traditional archery is probably the thing for you. It mixes plenty of physical activity with skill building and can provide you with a great way to take your mind off stress. Whether you are a beginner or a master, archery exercises can help you to improve your bow skills. So, keep practising and soon you will be a pro at this sport!

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